Dimensions of the Universe (Planes)

Coexistent with Etheria
Normal gravity and time, alterable morphic
Minor Earth-dominant: Magical and technological effects with the earth descriptor occur at +1 caster or crafter level on Eternia.
Mildly neutral-aligned
Normal magic
Enhanced technology:
- On Eternia, inventors gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their Technological Limit, and may treat the Technology Score of any device as 2 less for the purposes of determining time and cost to craft.
- Anytime a malfunction is indicated on a Use Technological Device check on Eternia, there is a 50% chance the device functions normally instead.
Significant dimensional regions:
- Castle Grayskull
Enhanced magic: Inside Castle Grayskull, The gate spell has a duration of Permanent (dismissable) when used for planar travel.
Impeded magic: Magical effects with the evil descriptor are impeded within Castle Grayskull. Dispel checks against such spells or effects automatically succeed.
- Snake Mountain
Profane magic: In the vicinity of Snake Mountain, magical effects that grant a profane bonus are automatically extended, and the bonus granted is increased by +1, or +2 for an affected creature with 5 or more ranks of Knowledge (Evil). Magical effects that grant a sacred bonus are impeded.
Festering wounds: Any critical hit that does damage to a living creature in or near Snake Mountain automatically inflicts an additional 1 point of vile damage.
Special: The interior of Snake Mountain is permanently affected by distort summons as cast by a 12th-level Sorcerer. A successful dispel check ends the effect until the stroke of midnight, when it is automatically re-cast.
- Phantos
- Evergreen Forest

Coexistent with Eternia
Normal gravity and time, alterable morphic
Minor Air-dominant: Magical and technological effects with the air descriptor occur at +1 caster or crafter level on Eternia.
Mildly neutral-aligned
Enhanced magic: Divine spells and spell-like abilities that are harmless or only affect willing targets are enlarged and widened.
Normal technology
Significant dimensional regions:
- Fright Zone
Mildly Evil- and Lawful-aligned
Enhanced magic: Mind-affecting effects are automatically heightened (+1 spell level) and fortified (+2 CL to overcome SR) within the Fright Zone. These bonuses are both doubled for mind-affecting fear effects.
Demoralizing: This is a special trait unique to the Fright Zone. The benefits of all morale bonuses are reduced by half (round down, minimum +0).
- Slime Pit
The Slime Pit is a technological invention powered by magical slime, capable of reducing anyone to a Slimed Creature.
Special: The Slime Pit is under the continuous effects of desecrate and unhallow. This doesn't affect the sliming process, but it does improve reanimation of the corpses of rebels who don't survive the slime.
- Horror Hall
Mildly Evil-aligned
Enhanced magic: Magical effects that use negative energy and spells from the Shadow subschool are maximized.
Enhanced magic: Magical effects with the darkness descriptor are made persistent and heightened (+2 spell levels).
- Whispering Woods
Strongly Good-aligned
Impeded technology (+2 Malfunction rating, +4 DC to operate technological devices)
Special: The entire area of the Whispering Woods is warded by a forbiddance spell (CL 20, Will DC 21, alignment NG). Only evil creatures are subject to the alignment-based effects of the spell.
Special: Creatures within the Whispering Woods are affected by a nondetection spell (CL 12) as long as they remain.
- Beast Island

Normal gravity
Magically morphic
No Elemental or Energy Traits
Mildly chaos-aligned
Strongly pervasive magic. The following benefits apply to arcane spells cast on Trolla:
- Spellcasters gain the benefit of the Eschew Materials feat.
- All arcane spells gain the benefit of the Still Spell feat automatically.
- Spellcasters gain a circumstance bonus to Concentration checks made to cast or maintain an arcane spell equal to their arcane caster level, or +4, whichever is greater.
- Dismissable arcane spells can be dismissed as a free action (instead of a standard action).
- When casting an arcane spell, the caster gains a +4 circumstance bonus to the penetration check to overcome SR. On a roll of natural 20, the caster may treat the spell as if it were “Spell Resistance: No” (and in this case may even affect creatures with magic immunity).
Good Fortune: This is a special trait unique to Trolla.
- All luck bonuses are increased by 1.
- When using a hero point to modify a d20 roll, you may roll one additional die.
- Spells from the Luck domain are maximized. Luck domain spells that gain no benefit from Maximize Spell are instead cast at +1 caster level.
- You gain one luck reroll per day for every two Luck feats you have (round up).
Dead technology: Technological devices do not function on Trolla. Attempting to use one always results in a malfunction; if the device is not capable of malfunction, it simply has no effect.
Heavy gravity: Natives of a heavy gravity world gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Climb and Jump checks on normal gravity worlds, and the effects of a light gravity world are increased by half.
Normal time, alterable morphic
No Elemental or Energy Traits
Mildly good-aligned
Enhanced magic: Psionic powers with a range of Personal have their duration doubled on Silax. (This duration can be doubled again with the Extend Power feat for a total duration of three times normal) The DC to dispel these powers is increased by 4.
Normal technology

Normal gravity, alterable morphic
Minor Earth-dominant: Magical and technological effects with the earth descriptor occur at +1 caster or crafter level on Preternia.
Mildly neutral-aligned
Timeless magic: Spells with a duration that is not instantaneous or longer than 24 hours instead have a duration of 24 hours. Time otherwise functions normally.
Enhanced magic: Spells from the summoning subschool gain the benefits of the Augment Summoning feat if the summoned creature is an animal or vermin. A summoner who already has this feat may instead choose an animal or vermin from the next higher summoning list, but if so the creature will not be augmented.
Impeded technology
Horde World

Normal gravity and time, alterable morphic
Mildly Evil- and Lawful-aligned
Enhanced magic: Magical effects with the evil or lawful descriptors are empowered and extended.
Impeded magic: Magical effects with the good descriptor are impeded.
Dampened magic: Magical effects from the healing subschool are dampened (all variable numeric effects are minimized).
Enhanced technology: Technological weapons automatically confirm critical hits.

Coterminous to Eternia
Normal gravity and time, alterable morphic
No Elemental or Energy traits
Mildly neutral-aligned
Dead magic
Normal technology
Demon Zone

Erratic Time: Check each interval of apparent Demon Zone time to determine how much time has passed in Eternian time.
d10 | Eternian time | Demon Zone time | ratio |
1 | 1 hour | 1 minute | 60:1 |
2–3 | 10 minutes | 1 minute | 10:1 |
4–7 | 1 minute | 1 minute | 1:1 |
8–9 | 1 minute | 10 minutes | 1:10 |
10 | 1 minute | 1 hour | 1:60 |
Highly morphic
Strongly Chaos-aligned
Anarchic magic: Magical effects with the evil or fire descriptors also gain the chaotic descriptor. This also applies to magical weapons: unholy or flaming weapons are also considered anarchic. A weapon that was already anarchic additionally gains the corporeal instability effect of a chaos beast.
Limited magic: Magical effects from the law domain or with the lawful descriptor always fail.
Dampened magic: Magical effects with the cold or water descriptors are dampened (all variable numeric effects are minimized). This includes effects from weapons and other magic items.
Realm of Evil

Prison demiplane, coterminous to Eternia
Normal gravity and time, alterable morphic
No Elemental or Energy traits
Strongly evil-aligned
Impeded magic: Eternians (and creatures native to Eternia) must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level) when casting a spell, or that spell fails.
Limited magic: Magical effects from the summoning or teleportation subschools or subdisciplines fail. Calling effects can only target creatures located on Eternia being scryed upon.
Dimensional Void

Transitive dimension: The Dimensional Void is the null space in which all other dimensions exist. It is coexistent with all other dimensions.
Strongly Neutral-aligned
No gravity
Static. An unattended object fades away into a random dimension after 1d6 rounds unless someone is actively willing it to remain in the Void (DC 15 Wisdom check or DC 20 Concentration check, as a move action each round). If the random dimension rolled is the Dimensional Void, the object vanishes forever.
Timeless and dimensionless. Neither time nor space have any measure in the Void.
- A minute (or more) spent in the Dimensional Void equals no time on Eternia.
- All squares are considered to be adjacent to all other squares
- Ranges and areas-of-effect are unlimited. No penalties due to distance are applied (such as to spot checks or range increments).
- Size modifiers are not applied. All creatures and their equipment are considered Medium.
Limited magic: Magical effects with the time-affecting descriptor, or that alter the size of creatures or objects always fail.
Accelerated magic: All spells can be cast as a swift action. The duration for all spells is 1 round unless the duration is instantaneous or permanent. Even a permanent spell (as well as a spell modified by permanency) ends after 1d10 rounds.
Transcendent magic: Spells have no limit on maximum caster level (for instance, an 11th-level Wizard’s fireball would do 11d6 damage in the Dimensional Void.)
Maddening: This is a special trait unique to the Dimensional Void. A non-native to the Void experiences bizarre physics and seemingly contradictory events while there. Space has no meaning, matter loses its substance, effects seem to precede their cause. After any hostile encounter in the Void, or after every 2d4 (apparent) hours, any creature must make a DC 10 Will saving throw. The DC for this check cumulatively increases by 1 after every success. Failure indicates that the individual has been driven mad by the void itself affected by insanity as cast by a 20th-level caster. Travelers driven mad by the Dimensional Void cannot leave the plane of their own volition and have no desire to do so. Memories of any previous life fade into nothingness, and it takes a miracle, psychic chirurgery, reality revision, or wish to return such characters to normal.